Wednesday 7 September 2011


It's hard to believe, but another summer is winding down.  We really didn't get much of a traditional summer weather wise as this year we've had an abundance of rain and with it mosquitoes. Not that I've been bitten quite often, as I recall only once.  However having avoided grass and parks, the odds were in my favour of not being bitten. 

This summer I didn't get to do the things I wanted done as typically I procrastinated till it was too late.  Ambition is not one of my strong suits.  Now that it's September and Autumn is right around the corner, I hope to tackle what I've neglected or at least some of the tasks that should be taken care of.  Today sounds like a good start.  

Thursday 18 August 2011


I've always wondered about the first human who had the first spark of awareness and asked those eternal questions we all ask ourselves.  What is the meaning of life?  What happens after we die?  Is there a higher power?  It certainly must of been a eureka moment for that individual to ponder as we do.  As a human race that is constantly at war with each other since time immemorial, these same questions underline the strife we go through.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Thursday 21 July 2011


Today, the landing of the space shuttle Atlantis, marks the last chapter for manned space flight by United States.  Once on the bleeding edge, this country has lost it's mojo by a series of inept leadership that has sabotaged the  long range goals of NASA.  Albeit, robotic missions are still alive and well, but there is no substitute for the human touch, as the astronauts are the vanguard of the human race's pushing the envelope of exploration.  However, there is hope other nations will pick up the ball and soldier on.

CHAOS - Part 2

Is nature hitting back at humanity?  As our numbers increase and like locusts we denude the environment with our insatiable appetite for resources.  As stewards of this planet, we have a poor track record of managing our fellow creatures, not too mention ourselves,  As a collective, we have to seriously stop and review what our actions entail and the consequences that would lead to a Apocalypse.  The fallout is not so much a danger for the planet, as earth has endured far greater violent changes and manages to re-stabilize.  The danger is more so to us, possibly leading to our own self inflicted extinction.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

CHAOS - Part 1

"We live in interesting times" to paraphrase a popular quote.  As I absorb the news of the world, I find a disturbing trend to the path humanity is following currently.  Upheavals pervades at every level of human endeavors mirrored by natural disasters.  I ask myself, is there a link between the two or am I just paranoid?