Sunday 1 November 2015


Currently the topical headlines is focusing on refuges (mostly Muslims) that are invading Europe like drowning rats abandoning a sinking ship.  Apparently these peoples are fleeing from the country of Syria which for a number of years has been embroiled in a civil war.  Why they choose to target Europe rather then the surrounding countries is rather suspicious as to their motives.  I for one believe it's an orchestrated agenda, using said peoples to mask terrorists in entering the host countries and as a bonus throwing their culturally weight around once they've homesteaded.  Sounds unbelievable?  Not really.  Where I live I see their numbers increasing and voicing their culture concerns to which our pathetic government caves.   Better be checking out for prayer mats soon.

Saturday 11 July 2015










" Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.  Both are equally terrifying ".

                                                                        Arthur C. Clarke

The quote from Arthur C. Clarke elegantly sums up the the dichotomy that humanity has wrestled with when first looking up into the night sky.  It's only recently as a collective we have entertained  the idea that maybe we are not alone. In this article, I'll only focus on the possibility of  space faring ET's.  Alternate origins like dimensional portals and other possibilities I'll exclude, albeit they may exist.

Since 1947, alien craft were coined as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) or it's other popular designation Flying Saucers.  In World War II, pilots called them FOO Fighters.
Since that time period, sightings have increased exponentially right to the present moment.  In addition apart from mere sightings, encounters with landed alien craft and interaction with aliens brought forth a new term of jargon.  Encounters of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th kind.  A new sub culture was born by these sightings and encounters.  Not satisfied with the contemporary reporting, some individuals researched past human history to find similar reports, although the descriptions depending on far back in history they looked would be more cryptic.  Today, ironically enough with the proliferation of cellphones with built in cameras, the sightings have actually decreased.  Maybe it was only balloons, swamp gas, celestial objects or super secret human aircraft they were viewing. 

It's agreed by most authorities and even Ufologists, that most of the reports of sightings and encounters are either mistaken identity or hoaxes.  However what's left over cannot be easily explained.   


Friday 2 March 2012


This year marks 50 years of Bond movies.  Think of it, a half century has this spy icon survived, albeit immutably changed in degrees to keep concurrent with the changing times.  However the formula elements that make up this escapism genera remains intact, thrilling multi generational audiences.

The one main aspect of change that can't be overlooked, is the the actors that portray James Bond.  Unlike comic book heroes who never grow old, human actors do and so the changing of the guard, so to speak happens.  Currently the actor that carries the Bond mantel is Daniel Craig.  The choice made by the Bond film makers for his entry into the Bond world was marked with controversy by fans and critics alike.  His physical makeup was in contrast with his previous predecessors, that either you liked or hated, without much in between.  Thankfully for the most part, it was the right choice and minimized the naysayers.  The film Casino Royal marked his debut and the reinvigorated script fit him like a glove and to glowing reviews. The second, Quantum of Solace, did not fare as well, not the actor's fault, but due to a inferior script and all that encompasses it.  However I digress and address the eventual replacement of this fine actor.

When Daniel Craig finally hangs up his Bond persona, the Bond machine will be searching frantically for a replacement.  This is where I'll throw in my suggestion of who I would pick.

Chris Hemsworth, the actor who took the lead role in the Marvel movie titled Thor.

Currently 26 years of age, 6' 3", blond hair, an Aussie accent and a body builder's physique.  Although he wore a beard in Thor, unshaven he reminded me of  a younger pumped up Pierce Brosnan in some ways.

At the moment, Chris needs to fill a few requirements before he can eye the Bond role.  First and foremost, he'll need to beef up his acting chops.  Second, he'll have to age a few more years, like 30 years old would just be right.  Which would set him up for a decade or so doing Bond movies.  Anything more like Roger Moore did embarrassingly long in the tooth is not a good thing in my opinion.  Thirdly, his physique can be be toned down for the part, as he is not playing Thor the God of Thunder.  I know the criteria seems simplified, but in essence this one-two three step approach should work for him.  Now the hard part, the Bond producers recognizing him and Chris wanting the role if he is approached.  The actor who chooses the Bond role, walks a fine line of furthering their career, as flattering as it maybe, you're typecast and difficult to wriggle out of that situation, no matter how talented.  The analogy, being a Royal and wanting to be recognized laboring with the common folk.

So, it will be interesting to see who eventually will be the next Bond, whether my hopeful selection of Chris Hemsworth is right on the money or someone totally unexpected.

Monday 16 January 2012


Brrr!  The frozen north.  Today, a few days ago and the forecast for all this upcoming week is cold and more cold with falling snow here and there.  I must admit although, all my life I've endured cold winters in this great country of ours Canada, there are times like now I'd like to forsake this place during the winter season and spend my time in warmer climes.  It's not like I live in an igloo and am very comfortable in my heated cocoon of an apartment, it's just that when it gets bitterly cold, I don't have much motivation to go outside, dressed warmly or not.  Until the weather lets up, my few excursions is regulated to resupply groceries, paying bills or visiting friends.  On the bright side, there are worst places to live where natural disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes and such are more common.  So, as I've done in  past years, I just have to wait it out, till there is a break in the weather and anticipate the coming of spring.

Monday 9 January 2012


I'm an avid listener of CBC radio and although I spend a considerable amount of time browsing the web being entertained and educated, I find most of the programming
on the radio provides me the same in tandem.

Today, I was listening to one of their programs where they interviewed Kevin O'Leary, an ambitious entrepreneur who was promoting a new reality show named Redemption, similar in some respects as Donald Trump's TV show The Apprentice.  However the contestants are not your average citizens.  Ex cons, criminals if you like, is their background.  Listening to Mr. O'Leary explain the outline of his show peaked my interest.  Unlike the greed factor, where contestants climb over each other, this one has a double agenda.  For obvious reasons Mr. O'Leary  is hoping to draw in viewers that will make this show successful due to the twist of the participants backgrounds.  Underlining the business angle,  there is a compassionate understanding of the difficulties of these former lawbreakers who have done their time.

As explained by Mr. O'Leary, these individuals try to integrate themselves back to society in a lawful manner, but are hampered by the same society by them not giving them a second chance and so many go back to that vicious cycle of what they know best in desperation to make a living.

Realizing that even though these individuals were running afoul of the  law and eventual caught, incarcerated and finally released.  Mr. O'Leary felt that these people had entrepreneurial skills that could be exploited, not only for the show, but as well as for themselves, so the germ of the idea of this program.

Bravely Mr. O'Leary  had volunteered to have himself incarcerated for a half day and find the experience most disturbing to say the least.

Partnered with his co-producer Brian O'Dea, who himself was one time big drug dealer and turned straight breathed life to this show.

There was a split in the public's perception as to whether this show was a good thing or not.  It didn't help that the controversial  Mr. O'Leary has his legion of detractors who felt that his show should be dropped and he fired. My impressions, even though he is unpopular and a gadfly at best for some, is that although his show is exploitative, there is a silver lining for the contestants, so the title Redemption.  Apart from the winner of receiving a grand prize of $100,000 to start a business, the losers also benefit on some monetary level, as well as a boost to their confidence.

I wish Mr. O'Leary success and as well to his participants.

Wednesday 7 September 2011


It's hard to believe, but another summer is winding down.  We really didn't get much of a traditional summer weather wise as this year we've had an abundance of rain and with it mosquitoes. Not that I've been bitten quite often, as I recall only once.  However having avoided grass and parks, the odds were in my favour of not being bitten. 

This summer I didn't get to do the things I wanted done as typically I procrastinated till it was too late.  Ambition is not one of my strong suits.  Now that it's September and Autumn is right around the corner, I hope to tackle what I've neglected or at least some of the tasks that should be taken care of.  Today sounds like a good start.  

Thursday 18 August 2011


I've always wondered about the first human who had the first spark of awareness and asked those eternal questions we all ask ourselves.  What is the meaning of life?  What happens after we die?  Is there a higher power?  It certainly must of been a eureka moment for that individual to ponder as we do.  As a human race that is constantly at war with each other since time immemorial, these same questions underline the strife we go through.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss.